SIA Captive vs Independent - Article


Independent Insurance Broker Goals
Hey there! I'm Ken, an independent insurance broker. My main goal? To get you the best coverage at great prices. I really value building strong relationships with my clients, turning them into new friends. I specialize in home, auto, and life insurance.

Understanding Southern California's Insurance Market
Growing up in Southern California has given me a deep understanding of the area and the insurance market here. I'm really into sharing insights about why insurance costs are changing. I love educating not just my clients, but also their families and friends who want to understand more about the current insurance scene.

Life Outside of Work
When I'm not working, I'm all about adventures with my beautiful girlfriend and two boys. From beach days to golfing, we love making the most of our free time. Living in Southern California is great, and I'm always here to help out with your insurance needs!